May 2014 — a decade ago! Cannot believe it!

The not so merry month of May Such was my header for the entry of 31st May 2014 Posted on May 31, 2014 by Neil Of course the idea it should be is an inappropriate legacy from the Northern Hemisphere, though the changing weather pattern we appear to have experienced – in retrospect in twenty years or so […]

Easter Sunday — an archive search

2006 onwards 2006 was special Easter Sunday in Surry Hills Just got a phone message from my brother Ian, who lives in Tasmania, from the above ship saying he was now off the town of Shellharbour, where our father was born, and expected to arrive in Sydney Harbour at 11am. So that’s where I am off to […]

Towards the Year of the Dragon — 1

Among the Chinese Chart from China Travel Guide Living opposite the Chinese Consulate It’s no secret that from late 1990 to the early 2000s I lived with Michael, a Shanghainese, first in George Street Redfern, then in Little Eveleigh Street Redfern, and finally Elizabeth Street Surry Hills, where after Michael moved to East Redfern I […]