On New Years Day — mostly blog stats

Mind you go to the All My Posts tab at the top and you’ll see I have been blogging more like 23!

That’s as at the time of preparation of this post: 31st December 2023 at 2.00 pm.

Yes, even China! Now and again…. And narrowing down to the top ten places visits came from:

What was most visited, and what referral methods were most used?

Turned out nothing really bad happened to Daniil. His 1420 Russian vox pop is still going!

Now to how people found my blog.

Week 51 — Christmas Eve to Saturday 30th December — Day 7

For November 2023 a single sadly still relevant repost

Week 46 — Sunday 19th November to Saturday 25th November — Day 4

Posted on  by Neil

Yes, passions run hot…

Yesterday’s theme was “Be careful with what you find on social media — blogs included!” There were examples there of misinformation and raised temperatures. Such is life at this time.

The venerable George Takeii said this morning on Facebook — referring to Thanksgiving in the USA…

As you contemplate going home for the holidays, especially if you have any vocal MAGA relations, remember this coping strategy: Hear everything they say for what it is: from a brainwashed cult of millions who have been misled and manipulated. Do not attempt to deprogram, or you become just another enemy. Listen with patience, and try to find common things you both enjoy to talk about. Remind them of your humanity, and do things that let them remind you of theirs. That is how love ultimately prevails.

And this on one of the most hot-button issues of the time — one comment said “cute but unrealistic”.

Very hard to reject this vlogger’s view…. Tiny glimmers of hope….

Through Russell Ward I have been following this poet and mentioned him in two blog posts as well as several times on Facebook. Russell, as most of you know, is one of my ex-students from SBHS Class of 1988, so I have known him for over 30 years. He now lives in California. I share his concern. ☹️ I have signed the petition and have shared it on my Mastodon.

Russell posted:

Every day I check for an update from my friend in Gaza, Mosab Abu Toha. I was increasingly worried because he posted no update for five days when he said his family lacked food and water. This evening I learned he was fleeing south and for some unknown reason was abducted by Israeli forces and separated from the family he loves so much.

He is a Palestinian poet. Is that why he was abducted. I’m glad to learn he lives, but the cruelty to his wife, kids and himself makes me rage inside.

Given the friends in the US he’s made (not least Noam Chomsky), there is some hope political pressure is being exerted on Israel to help him, but who knows. Israeli forces have exhibited the greatest inhumanity and complete disregard of humanitarian concerns, so my daily concern for my friend remains and the sad knowledge the injustices his family suffers can be multiplied by many hundred of thousands.

News from Russell Ward in the last 2-3 hours!

Week 51 — Christmas Eve to Saturday 30th December — Day 6

Yes, what a month. 

Posted on  by Neil

23rd October

Gaza is the most miserable place on earth and in Israel, fear is everywhere. This tragedy cannot go on

Such is a headline on our ABC site today.

So much Trump-like nonsense is buzzing around social media on this excellent organisation which is a jewel in the crown of Australian democracy! I elected to have a postal vote this time mainly on the grounds of old age! It all went very smoothly.

The video is accurate, fair and factual. Please ignore the rubbish put out even by some political figures about the AEC and the integrity of the vote in Australia. We need to trust the system and it has over many years proven itself to be trustworthy. We are in world terms bloody lucky indeed!

Posted on  by Neil

Week 41 — Sunday 15th October to Saturday 21st October — Day 1

15th October

Cartoon by David Rowe

What a day!

Albo came to Dharawal Country yesterday, on his way back to Canberra.

And at least Wollongong voted YES!

Sydney is on 70% YES. Wentworth 65% YES! Warringah 63% YES! Grayndler (Albo’s seat) 77% YES!

But a solemn evening was had here in West Wollongong, and an uncharacteristic rise at 2.00 am to prepare this post!

19th October

From 1971 to 1974 I worked here

Illawarra Grammar School 1974 — my photo

There you see senior students snatching me off the playground right after morning assembly! They took me, as I recall, to a house in Mangerton. All part no doubt of a tradition called Year 12 Muck Up Day. Class of 1972 — thanks, Ralph Turton!

I taught Andrew Pratt at TIGS from 1971 to 1974. He lives in Canada but is currently visiting Australia. He is a dual citizen but had not been in Australia much in recent years. Via Facebook we had arranged to have lunch together after he commented on one of my many posts about the joy of barramundi at City Diggers. We had not seen each other since 1971 to 1974!

Yesterday I reported on Facebook:

So many stories were told at City Diggers as Andrew Pratt and I met again for the first time since I taught him at TIGS in 1971-4! Col joined in as he had gone to TIGS too but HSC 1985! Andrew taught Col’s brother at TIGS….

Andrew now lives in Calgary. Darlene is a Newfoundlander. Chat covered history and politics as well as personal reminiscence! Full and frank!

“Oh Andrew, you are so woke! I am so happy!”

Andrew: “What is woke?”

Indeed…. Sane, perhaps?