After a sequel to the last post, the things on our minds in Oz, and my modest adventures yesterday

There are several YouTube presentations like this, and I am a total sucker for such animated data. We should ask where the data comes from. The first one tells us it is from; the second one does not say.

Seemed there were only two matters of importance: Julian Assange’s return to Canberra, and the State of Origin game in Melbourne. The score in the latter set a new record for the number of points lead in the first half of a State of Origin game. NSW won 38-18.

My adventures in The Gong contrast rather sharply with those of some of my friends. Michael Xu for example: “I am in Jaca Spain, it’s a beautiful mountain town, will start my Camino walk from here for next 6 weeks I think!” And Jim Belshaw: “I’m presently in Copenhagen visiting Helen after Vienna, Bratislava London and Oxford…”

OK, The Gong is OK. Step one yesterday was a session — free — with the podiatrist. Step two was to go to City Diggers for lunch, though there were fewer people there than last time. My friend Colin was not around. But the barramundi beckoned.

There were a few chips and some salad left on the plate — the serve is almost too generous — but not a speck of that perfect fish!

Then to the BWS shop in Burelli Street to renew my red wine supply — two weeks since the last lot. Again, a ceiling of $30 total. And I can now vouch for the Annie’s Lane. Plenty more left to savour over the next couple of days….

Week 29 — Sunday 16th to Saturday 22nd July — 1

Sunday 16th

Vlogs seen

Joel from Maryland

My friend Rosemary commented:

Can’t get enough of this delightful young guy.

He has done some excellent reaction videos in the past, for example those featured in my post Serious questions, beautiful songs. and just miscellaneous… in March. At the moment he is far from his home in Maryland having travelled to Germany and then the UK. He is at this time in York, a city he also visited last year, making friends especially with the people in the local community radio.

Watch on YouTube
Watch on YouTube

Auspol Explained

This is an excellent recent discovery thanks in fact to that 15-year-old marvel Leonardo Puglisi who pointed me to him via Channel 6 news. See them both here:

Watch on YouTube

He has begun a series on the Voice to Parliament which promises to be among the very best you will ever see!

Watch on YouTube

And my Sunday lunch?

Call it an Aussie English brunch fry-up. The kangaroo and bush tomato sausages have virtually no fat so fried them in olive oil. Then egg, solanato tomatoes and baked beans. Works well.

This has been a trial of a fresh approach here

Some days I might let pass by without publishing, letting perhaps a couple of days accumulate before releasing a consolidated post. That is more flexible from my perspective.

I also am reverting more to diary and personal miscellany form, going less by topics, and certainly not trying to save the internet or the world! The usual vlogs concerning Russia, Ukraine and the analyses thereof I will continue to share on Facebook and Mastodon.

What do you think?