June 2014 revisit 2 — more rich pickings

Destination Shakespeare Hotel

Posted on  by Neil

M is still in Canada/Alaska, but I am going up to Sydney today to meet Max, one of M’s flatmates.

And a fun day that proved to be

Over a Sichuan lunch on Saturday — and blog retro time

Posted on  by Neil

How multicultural can you get, when you think about it. On Saturday I shared authentic Sichuan food at the Red Dragon in that quintessentially Aussie venue, a Rugby League club, with three Iranians – one PhD and two PhDs in prospect – and one Cambodian-German Australian. Conversation naturally went to the World Cup, which I have been rather casual about. But of course Iran was soon to play Argentina. I will let the Cambodian-German Australian (Mel) report the sequel:

Poor Iran had prospects of an honourable tie snatched from them in the last seconds of the game, resulting in grown men crushed and sobbing for the loss. What an emotional 90mins. I’m going back to bed!


Yes, we had that hotpot again…

Mel also asked me if I still blogged, at one point. “Every day,” I answered and she looked a bit surprised. When I said how long I had been doing it she looked even more surprised, noting that when she was at school the internet was in fact used very little. I checked: she left school in HSC year 2006 – the year after I retired – and was then, I note, a Bored of Studies member, though she did not post very much. Fascinated to see her subject choices though – English/History to the max! And very impressive results.

I emerged from my terminal fear of computers around the turn of the century, but by 2000 I really was hooked – personally and, by 2001, professionally.

This was my second computer, bought thanks to M. Actually, it was the first I owned as for a while before that I used one given to us by a friend of M who was expert in such matters.

Look at that floppy disk port!

But let us remember Mister Neo with affection. See I have been ranting online for SOOO long!, where you get a bonus dose of US poet John O’Hara too.

June 7, 2000

Got the new computer today, and aside from stuffing up my Outlook Express (which I’ve sort of fixed) all is well so far. Anyway, true to what I said above (and this time I’ll make the diary go forwards instead of backwards) I’ll tell a story:


Except I won’t. And yes, I am still using that Gateway!

Well, not any more. That 2000 entry must refer, by the way, to my very first “diary” on Talk City. I was happy if ten people a day read it then. Yesterday on this blog it was 219, my own visits excluded.

— from My Gateway has gone to cyber-Heaven…

That “I’ve been ranting…” post contains some preserved guest book entries, some from people you may have heard of… Or not…

Wednesday, January 31, 2001 3:28 AM
Paddington, Australia
Imperial Edict The hostelry known as the Flinders Hotel is hereby placed under Imperial Interdict. The Empress Dowager is pleased that other members of Royalty have already decided to avoid the premises, and has decided in Her Wisdom to make the Interdiction Formal. All Family Members, Equals, Subjects and Vassals are Requested and Required to observe this Interdict. Read this and Obey DEHK

Tuesday, September 19, 2000 7:28 PM
Rabbit |
Brilliant calculations there, though I suprised you only rate what you say you do. On the God-Satan conflict, it seems that Satan (*******) has retired, leaving God (****) victorious for the meanwhile. I am being completely payed out in the guestbook; our gay friend Nimrod finds a girl cuter than me. Hmm! As for “how do you study for an English exam”, I can offer a unique answer. But, in the interests of thriftiness (in others), I won’t.

My first venture on the Internet for professional purposes was a site I made for a Year 10 class in 2001. That soon altered to support my work as an ESL teacher. Here is an early version.

Anti-Discrimination Pledge

Definition of Discrimination

Discrimination is the treatment of people differently
or unfairly because of their race, gender, sexual preference,
age, disability, religion or culture.


I will never discriminate against another person.
I will use my influence with my friends to keep
them from discriminating against others.
My individual choices and actions, when
multiplied by those of young people throughout
the country, will make a difference.
Together, by honouring this pledge, we can
reduce discrimination and make a fairer, happier
world for all.

This pledge now hangs on the wall in the main entrance foyer of the school.

In 1999 Sam Bush (Year 12 2001) was elected to the NSW Student Representative Council, the highest student body in the state. Sam was representing 22,000 students in the East Sydney Region and was one of 22 members of the State Council.

One of the stated objectives of the Council in 2000 was to fight discrimination in all forms in NSW government high schools. Sam was a member of an action task force which suggested the idea of an Anti-Discrimination Pledge. The plan was adopted by the SRC.

Year 7 2001 all signed the pledge and you may read their signatures on the framed version in the foyer.

We congratulate Sam and Year 7 2001 for carrying out this plan. The very attractive framed copy was designed by Sam and was the first to be completed in a NSW government school. Sam has thus made an extremely significant real and symbolic step towards eliminating racism in our schools.

The SRC in this school, as well as in the state, is still committed to the ideas in this pledge.

Visitors to the school see this pledge in the foyer and many stop to read it. We can all feel proud that it is there, and thankful to Sam, the SRC, and Year 7 2001 for bringing it into being. Let us make sure this spirit never dies.

In 2002 I created another site on the now defunct Diary-X to support my last full-on Year 12 group: an Extension 1 English class on postmodernism. This version I updated the year Mel did the HSC in another place! It does show that by 2002 we were using the Internet quite extensively at SBHS – and maybe I was a little ahead of some by then in using it, though I didn’t really think so at the time.

I have spared you “Ninglun and the Sailor” though if you go to the original, linked at the top of this, you will find it. Also, one of the Persians had been my neighbour c. 2012, and Mel went on to wider fields. You will see her asking questions at the National Press Club events these days!