Week 31 — Sunday 30th July to Saturday 5th August — 2

31st July — another month ends!

Footy tipping

It was going so well….

Not many rounds left!

Blog performance in July

This really is a modest part of the WordPress scene and is not and never has been monetised by me. So I am happy for anyone to read, maybe enjoy, maybe respond. And enough do. This is the average number of views per day for every month the blog has existed.

Seen in August 2013

When I still had the Olympus digital camera… Enjoy.

Week 31 — Sunday 30th July to Saturday 5th August — 1

30th July

Just now from a WordPress blog I have long followed: O at the EdgesMusings on poetry, language, perception, numbers, food, and anything else that slips through the cracks.

We’re all terminal, but some of us have accelerated time lines.

A few months ago I was diagnosed with late stage metastatic lung cancer. The prognosis, as you might imagine, is not good, and the timing is uncertain. Do I have six months? Three years? More? Less? No one can say.

Before the diagnosis I lived for months with intense pain, a wildly plummeting heart rate, a lost voice, and questions. Many questions. As of today, the pain and heart rate are under control, the voice is returning, albeit sporadically and in a diminished state, and the questions have dwindled. WHAT has been answered, and WHY no longer matters. I am left with the ever-wavering WHEN, which I refuse to dwell upon, and HOW, which has morphed into “how shall I spend my remaining hours”?

To that end, I choose to celebrate, to share those brief wonders and observations, the sights, feel, smells and sounds of tangible and intangible joys, the moments and experiences, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant, that weave through our days and add immeasurably to our lives.

I’ll post these brief notes here from time to time, as circumstances allow. I hope you might join me, lend your wisdom and insight, tell your stories, offer poems, share your moments, memories and precious time. Life is good! Let’s celebrate!

Music for Sunday

Michael Andreas

Here he is.

He just happens to be Franz Liszt’s great-great-great-grandson, as you already know if you are a regular here. Is he any good? Well…

Watch on YouTube

Josh Turner

See for both Michael Andreas and Josh this really popular post: Confronting ongoing horror in the news… with music. This is Josh’s latest, a tribute to Tony Bennett and an indication of future directions.

Watch on YouTube

Ray Chen — Taiwanese-Australian violinist

Watch on YouTube

Week 30 — Sunday 23rd to Saturday 29th July — 6-7

29th July

Dear me — an error in the past week’s headline! I will fix them now.


What a dawn that was!

Around 10.30 I was in Wollongong Library, then to City Diggers with my treasures. Lighter reading this time.

A bit of conversation, partly about footy tipping, then off to the Bistro….

Ordered the Friday Fish Feast….

Yes it was good. Then on the way home called in at the BWS shop to buy a couple of bottles of good Aussie red wine — the first such purchase in 10 days… I did sample one with my evening meal. It too was good. $22 the pair.

And so to bed…