DNA Nation: sticking with SBS tonight for sure!

This looks fascinating.

SBS finds its roots in doc series “DNA Nation”

…The Blackfella Films-produced program is the flagship doc at the center of a month-long banner entitled ‘SBS Explores Identity.’ Dedicated programming runs from May 15 to June 5 and looks at the make-up of Australian society, from genetics and cultural roots to “shared passions” and individual identities.

DNA Nation features Olympian Ian Thorpe, indigenous actor Ernie Dingo and TV presenter Julia Zemiro, all of whom have questions about their backgrounds and set out to discover where they came from.

According to SBS, the group will trace the journeys of their ancestors from Africa to Australia by experiencing life as hunter-gatherers in Tanzania, looking for fossils in the Arabian desert, riding horseback in Kyrgyzstan and braving the waters of Timor Leste…


See SBS for more.

Local educator and blogger Darcy Moore has long had an interest in these matters.

I would like all students and teachers to become citizen scientists. During 2015 I have been enjoying teaching and learning about Big History at our school. One innovation in the teaching of BH is that I have arranged for all students to be citizen scientists for the Genographic Project. Effectively, they have completed non-medical DNA swabs and have their deep ancestry available for use in the course. It is particularly exciting to be assisted by funding from the Centre for Archaeological Science at the University of Wollongong. This will allow the students to participate in the DNA project for free. Professor Bert Roberts is a good supporter of Dapto High School.

See also his recent posts from the USA: NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship Study Tour: New York #1; NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship Study Tour: New York #2; NSW Premier’s Teacher Scholarship Study Tour: Washington #3.

Happens that FORTY-SIX (46) years ago I taught English at Dapto High School myself!