Best smile and wild weather

I have to join in posting the viral smile of the past weekend. Who could resist that smile?



Just in case you have slept through the last three days, or avoid any reference to the Rugby World Cup, the story (ABC version) is:

All Blacks centre Sonny Bill Williams was presented a new World Cup winners’ medal to replace the one he handed to a young spectator after Sunday’s (AEDT) victory over Australia in the final…

In an act of kindness Williams gave his medal to a young supporter, Charlie Lines, who was tackled by a security guard when he ran onto the field while the All Blacks completed a victory lap.

“I was walking around doing a lap of honour with the boys and a young fella came running out and he got smoked by the security guard, like full on tackled him. I felt sorry for the little fella,” said Williams after the incident. “He would have been eight or seven, I kind of felt sorry for him.  Hopefully [the medal] made it a night to remember for him. It’s better that he has it rather than having it hang up at home.”

Here in West Wollongong on Sunday night:

7.20pm: The Wollongong City SES unit says it has received 33 calls for help following this afternoon’s storm, mainly in the West Wollongong and Mangerton areas.

7.30pm: A flash storm front bearing harsh winds, hail and heavy rain brought panic to West Wollongong on Sunday afternoon, with the roof of an apartment block being peeled off like a sardine can.

This is what I saw:



Wild while it lasted! The strongest winds I have seen down here in the past five years.