Summing up May — and pics from 10 years ago

End of May — stats

The number of views in May 2023 has been smaller, but on the other hand it was the best May result in the last three years!

The posts and pages most visited in May were:

Ten years ago — pics selected from posts for June 2013

Lately I have been in the habit of spending the first few posts of a new month on looking back through my archives. I had an Olympus digital camera then Sadly it has since died.

City Beach Wollongong

Dancing in the street Crown Street Mall

Elephant in the lane

In the heart of Wollongong’s CBD lies a burgeoning arts hub, centred by the Illawarra Performing Arts Centre (IPAC) and Wollongong City Gallery.

And as of Saturday 15th June, the northern laneway of the IPAC will display a colourful and spectacular mural inspired by local poetry.

Visual artists Fintan Magee, Sam Clouston and Trait Cross have teamed up with performance poets Ahmad Al-rady, Lorin Reid and Zohab Khan to inspire and create the artworks.

The walls will feature pictures of an elephant, a tiger and a lyrebird. – ABC Local

Mount Kembla 9th June 2013