Lately I am a total hermit, as I said to my sister-in-law

My sister-in-law sms-ed me with some news about my niece Christine who has been (successfully so far) battling leukemia for more than a year now, but me being 78 and Aileen being in her early 80s the Omicron Strain is also on our minds.

Hope u r staying safe

being a hermit

that’s good

Then on Twitter yesterday morning was this from former colleague Russell Darnley, who has just returned to Sydney after some years living in Singapore — you know, the place that did something about RAT tests last year while our governments fiddled.

How boring. Two positive RATs. 3 vaccinations seem to be keeping symptoms mild. Coughing a lot. No loss of smell or taste. Temperature at 37.1°C, but early days. I take such care so this current mutation is extremely contagious. Assuming it’s the #OmicronVariant #COVID19

I am a bit of a hermit at the best of times, even mocked as perhaps the only person I know who has never ventured outside Australia, and rarely indeed beyond the coastal zone within 200k of Sydney! Journeyed physically that is. But there are other ways to travel.

My blogs have been great travellers.

From Flag Counter, which is attached to all my blogs. “231 different countries have visited this site.
  295 flags collected.”

Yesterday: 45 
30 day average: 46
Record: 1,873 on October 16, 2011

Counting began 3 October 2008
So I should have said c.14 years!

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