Thanks to James O’Brien I have become an addict….

James O’Brien is not only a fellow blogger (whom I have also met in real life) and Surry Hills person, he is also on the wireless! Do tune in if you are in range. His blog is responsible for my current addiction to colourising (I am a conservative speller) old photos. The results have pleased many friends and relations on Facebook, so I thought I would share a few today and maybe on Monday and Tuesday. Yes, I have been busy.

The “Blogging the 2010s” series should continue after that.


That is the most successful colourisation so far. My maternal great-grandmother, Sophia Jane (or Jean) Christison (nee Lillie 1858-1952). She was in her 90s and decorated this cake. And yes, I remember her.


That one excited a lot of comment. It’s a 1945 street photo of myself. Note my little Air Force uniform, no doubt because of my father being in the RAAF during WW2.


That’s my sister Jeanette Heather (1940-1952) and my brother Ian (1935-2017), Auburn Street Sutherland, possibly 1945. 


Finally for today: My grandfather Roy Hampton Christison, my grandmother Ada (nee Hunter) and my Uncle Roy Hampton Christison Jr. Wartime street photo.

More tomorrow. And to find out how it’s done, visit James O’Brien’s blog.

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