The amazing adventures of an octogenarian in The Gong on Wednesday

Here is a photo I took last year, but it looked the same yesterday.

These I borrowed, Plains of Promise having been on my bucket list for a while. And two randoms, which often prove to be treasures.

Yes, some of my meds were running low, but now I am restocked. As for Lowes, I was particularly after new boots, as the ones I bought maybe two years back were barely surviving. Bought them at Lowes too and they have given good service, but I have an appointment the week after next with the podiatrist. She told me a year ago I needed new boots, so I could hardly turn up with the same ones, could I?

Now you can spend heaps on boots, but not at Lowes. The subject came up at my next stop when my friend Col, seeing my purchase and examining them, said that was one thing he spent hundreds on. In fact he was quite impressed with my $49.95 specials. No street cred or mega brand. But they do the job.

After a good chat with Col, not only about boots, it was time for the Bistro.

I was all set for barramundi when the lovely Kim who was taking orders told me the roast of the day was LAMB! Now their lamb roast was so good last time I had it that I left the barra in the lurch….

No regrets!

Then there was a blast from the past, as one of the great personalities on the Diggers staff back before the Golf Club took over returned from the country — somwhere near Taralga — where she now lives. Embarrassed to say I can’t recall her name! But she ran the footy tipping back in the day….

Not many of the staff from that time still work at Diggers, but certainly she was warmly greeted by many, including Kim who was on staff back then. I really am an old stager, eh!

These will see me through quite a few days of civilised sipping….

Yes, the Traveller Extraordinaire, Michael, my long-time flatmate in Redfern and Surry Hills, is at it again!

A bit different to El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico and Los Angeles, where he was last November/December!

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