I use Edge these days, so usually use Bing…

Every day I hang out for the latest post from Loon Pond and no sooner found than I share it to Facebook. For example in 2021: Ah people, so many horse droppings out there and it is only going to get worse… But when one searches for Loon Pond blog or Loon Pond Blogspot on Bing strange things can happen. Take this morning:

That is a first! Often however it will deliver an archive from maybe five years ago, but not the front page — easily fixed by clicking the blog’s header when that comes up. And then it will have a run of days or weeks when it delivers exactly what I was seeking: the Loon Pond Blog with all its trenchant and witty exposures of the right wing media.

But when I go to Google I get what I am after in this case every time. Google is the default search engine on my phone, and it works every time. On the laptop this morning I got:

So I have now happily shared the latest Loon Pond on Facebook. (I wonder how a FB ban on news will affect that? Or things like Ground News, to which I subscribe — the only news outlet I actually pay to use, because it is so cheap and also so good!

Now just maybe the fact that Google owns Blogspot may be relevant….

So a few hours later I gave the top choice from that a go. Funny notes on each site listed, but the top one took me straight to the latest Loon Pond! Quick too.