Do visit my Mastodon and other social media thoughts

My Mastodon

Because, as you see there this morning, most of the items that come to me via WordPress Reader will appear there and NOT on Facebook. Why? Read the last blog post or two here, or my tag social media.

Four days ago.

I invite you to explore Mastodon further when you visit. So civilised!

Do yourself a favour, as Molly Meldrum used to say, and subscribe to, or at least visit, Ground News. I came to it because Russian vloggers I respect like Daniil Orain, Roman NFKRZ and Niki Proshin recommended it. I have not been disappointed, even subscribed as the basic is dirt cheap. I share some each day on Facebook and Mastodon.

He is now in Vietnam. When I first encountered him a couple of years back he was in St Petersburg.

Here he is in 2022:

And now: