Footy tipping, Michael in London, and some YouTube and WordPress updates

But next round is one of those weird truncated ones thanks to State of Origin 2, with key players missing and only five games. Last time this happened the result was disastrous as far as tipping goes. I see too that The Kiwi has not committed himself yet, possibly in recovery after Round 15.

In current standings the Bunnies are not bottom any more! But no Latrell in Round 16 as he is in the NSW State of Origin squad. Despite which as you can see….

The black cat is for luck!

See his Facebook profile where he notes:

London is great, with many tourists from all over the world. It is a big soup bowl full of various exotic flavors. I understand the Australian one nation female politician who was disappointed to come to her motherland only to find that it is more diverse than Australia. Londoners are relaxed, have a sense of humor, and are very polite and friendly. There are many museums in London and they are free. The British Museum is worth a visit. I hope these antiquities will return to the ancient land one day. The weather here is like a woman changing clothes and dressing up every day. Today is mild without rain and wind. It is also a paradise for homosexuals, with rainbow 🌈 flags everywhere. I have no dissatisfaction except the weather!这

I asked him about the King’s Birthday. He replied: “it was on yesterday Saturday, did plan to go but was raining and I was busy buying airplanes ticket and finding somewhere to stay in Madrid, should be interesting 🤔

Watch out, William Christison!

In the light of aspects of Facebook policies and the way they are being policed, I noted in a pinned post there today:

Good morning — three threes in a row! Also, I am changing some of what I share here and moving some things to the blog — the WordPress Reader shares, for example, will continue on Mastodon but a selection will form one of the week’s blog posts on WordPress. Reason? Reducing the volume here, and nervous about some of the rather odd rulings the “smart” tech at FB has come up with lately — not only the example here a few days back, but other examples such as the one Dan Satterfield referred to.

Wordle 1,094 3/6

Paradise Lost: Stanley to Devonport, 21 October 2023.

This part of Tasmania is historically associated with the Van Dieman’s Land Company, which was formed in 1824 with the intention of farming sheep in the North-West.  It was granted 250,000 acres of mainly forested land and opened a port here in 1827.  Stanley (originally Circular Head) officially became a town in 1842 and there were town plans in 1842 and 1848.  At the time of the second town plan there were 233 residents; 127 men, 41 women and 65 children.


In a world riven with divisions, hatred and fear, the answer, surely, is love.

Here’s my challenge, to myself, and to you….this week, just notice each day every time you feel love in your heart. (and maybe note it down somewhere, in a journal, a notebook, on your phone). Then let’s reflect in a week’s time, and set an intention to love a little bit more.

A real must watch! Vlad Vexler makes clear and vital distinctions here! Russian-born Oxford-educated political philosopher in London.

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