I’m just an old guy in Wollongong

Turning 80 in just a few weeks time. So what do I have to offer on those great and horrendous events in Ukraine? Or about China? Or about geopolitics….

Nothing really.

Just what I see and hear — but hoping, with help, to see and hear as clearly as I can. So I will put all that aside for this entry and go back to being just an old guy in The Gong. But I will return with more reactions from Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere later on…..


My groceries are delivered and I receive an SMS when they are next in line. I had companions on Monday.


To the City Diggers Club for lunch. Nice chat with my friend Colin, and quite a few people in the club, including some Asian tourists.

Naturally I ordered pan seared barramundi with mash and vegetables, one of the best items on the menu. So crisp!