A filler post but a good one — expanded!

Two posts are currently forming in my mind but they are not yet ready. Meanwhile let me share the appearance or my FB at the moment.

And in case you missed the Intro line:

Australia is back on track!
Thanks — in Dharawal Country.

Australia is back on track!
Thanks — in Dharawal Country.

And another thing from my Facebook feed. This picture of young Anthony Albanese caught my eye instantly because there was a shock of recognition.

I wrote: Further to my comment about the young Albo and being reminded of the young Philip Costello! Those who know, can you see it?

Philip I met when he was 20 at the Britannia Hotel in Chippendale in 1985, He turned 21 that year, We became good friends, and in 1990 Michael Xu and I moved into Redfern sharing for a while with Philip and his then partner. Philip now lives in New York city.

Here he is in his 20s I’d say, from his Facebook, undated.

Philip says: “I aged better! ðŸ˜‰ (maybe because I didn’t enter politics!)”

UPDATE from Philip: “Lordy! Where did you get that? (My actorly headshot). I was actually 36 when that was taken. Does that count as young?”