June 24th 2023 — the day the Russian vlogs and more became very excited — Post #3,300!

Update 6.45 pm — Putin’s speech

Nikita in the Moscow region has just posted this. It sure sounds like Civil War to me now.


Watch the above on YouTube
The day’s collection follows. Some of the videos are two to three hours long, but they are important human records of an amazing day — what may well be an amazing day in history.
I will do a follow up tomorrow.

So what’s up? — 6.30 am

When our ABC eventually caught up….

Russia accuses Wagner mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin of mutiny after he says Moscow killed 2,000 of his men.

Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin says Moscow’s war in Ukraine is based on lies

“The Defence Ministry is trying to deceive society and the president and tell us a story about how there was crazy aggression from Ukraine and that they were planning to attack us with the whole of NATO,” Mr Prigozhin said in a video clip released on Telegram by his press service, calling the official version “a beautiful story”.

“The special operation was started for different reasons,” he said.

“The war was needed … so that Shoigu could become a marshal … so that he could get a second ‘Hero’ (of Russia) medal. The war wasn’t needed to demilitarise or denazify Ukraine.”


Zack the Russian live

Watch the above on YouTube

Around 2000 people are watching Zack as I post this.

Vlad Vexler live

Watch the above on YouTube

3000 are watching.

Konstantin live

Watch the above on YouTube

15,000 people watching

The Ukrainian Canadian

You may grab your popcorn. It seems it’s gonna be a long night 🔥🔥🔥


The Russian Dude

Available only on YouTube

Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner openly started armed revolution in Russia. Civil war begins. He is already under criminal investigation by the FSB (modern KGB), so there is no going back. Wagner HUNTS DOWN Shoigu. “You only have 3 months left”: Russia might do another mobilization in October. Russia increases missile production 4 times. Bayraktar to be produced in Ukraine. For the first time ever, Ukraine liberates territories which were occupied since 2014. The logistics of Russians in the South is disrupted. What did they do to solve it? Russia finally acknowledged something very important. Is it a good or a bad thing? Prigozhin ridicules and sues the highest military officials of Russia. It’s official.


4:27 In today’s episode

5:03 “You only have 3 months left”. Another escalation?

7:46 Russia increases missile production 4 times

9:08 Ukraine liberates territories, occupied since 2014

11:58 The logistics of Russians in the South is disrupted

15:40 Russia acknowledged something very important

17:26 Prigozhin sues the highest military officials

Dima in St Petersburg live

Update at 2.00 pm my time
Watch on YouTube

4 pm update: Konstantin Samoilov is live again right now


Rostov-on-Don has fallen, Wagner controls airport, some Russian Army generals join Prigozhin and to top it off, RUSSIAN CONTROLLED MEDIA IS COMPLETELY SILENT AS IF NOTHING UNUSUAL IS HAPPENING!

Watch the above on YouTube