More abomination but also the humanity that is out there

Yes it continues

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The Ukrainian Canadian

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Vlad Vexler

Russian-born Oxford-educated political philosopher.

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Who is Konstantin?

Watch on YouTube December 2022

His latest

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Jake Broe

“I am a United States Air Force veteran who served for six years (O-3) as a Nuclear and Missile Operations Officer (13N). Subscribe to my channel for update videos on the war in Ukraine as well as conversations with engaging podcast guests.”

I find his perspective very useful.

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Ironic points of light — the humanity out there

Defenceless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May I, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.

W H Auden — September 1 1939

Denis Islamov in Vladivostok

Read this comment first:

Awesome video. You get better every time. Social media is renowned for just having the minority who shout the loudest, in Russia’s case Putin fans. Plus, anyone who says anything against Putin or the Special Operation or even calls it a war is at risk of being arrested and jailed. No wonder the majority do not give an opinion in Russia. The reality is Russia is a third-rate economy with a hopeless military who are the second-best army in Ukraine. Few in the West are bothered about Russia except when it invades neighbours. Few are worried about Russia’s military, they have been exposed as a paper tiger with a corrupt system that has left their own soldiers, airman and sailors with pathetic tanks, planes, ships and submarines, which are so very outdated. Russia is becoming another North Korea, a loud dictatorship that can be ignored. As for the nuclear threat, it is again empty words, as Russia would be finished if tactical nukes were ever used, the Chinese would not allow it. The great risk for such a weakened Russia is that the Russian Federation will disintegrate, and the Russian oblasts, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Ukrainians Etc will want to reclaim much of the lands they believe were stolen many many years ago. Russia does not have the means to stop this and is being held together by a weak Putin, which the whole world has seen demonstrated for 18 months. Economically the sanctions are biting hard, as you say, no denying the reality despite Russian tv propaganda. I am afraid Russians are in for a torrid time over the next years, and the only people to blame are Putin and his supporters. Look after yourself. 🇬🇧

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Earlier today Denis indicated he was having problems and late today (7.25 pm my time) he elaborated on them.

Watch on YouTube — posted in Russia just one hour before sharing here!

Vasya in the Hay

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