The abominable dam busters

Perhaps this young Russian said it all over a year ago when he left his homeland in sorrow and disgust:

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A comment on YouTube on the video following: “Very difficult to watch. But the world needs to see this. My heart continues to break, and I can’t wrap my brain around why this is still allowed to happen. I am sickened. God forgive me but the wrong man was bleeding from his head. I am so sorry Olena. I can only imagine how you feel. God bless, Ukraine. This must stop.”

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Who is responsible?

Professor Gerdes explains.

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On Facebook I came down heavily on this:

Just an opinion — but after reviewing quite a few items during the day I would say the chances the Ukrainians were behind the dam atrocity are about as likely as the Germans having perpetrated the dam busters raids during WW2. Mind you that opens a considerable can of worms too….

Of course there are those who think 9/11 was an inside job…..

Later Professor Gerdes — upfront about his own perspective as a conservative (in the true classical sense) Republican — reviewed the execrable Tucker Carlson. A comment on that by another viewer sums up my view of the mouth once exercised so loudly on Fox until even they tired of it:

yeah, I really appreciate your content and think it is very important work, but my blood pressure is already too high and listening to that guy’s verbal excrement might give me a stroke.

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On this Professor Gerdes later said:

My reaction to Tucker Carlson just dropped. If you turn it on and walk away, YouTube will think more people like it; if you watch, you will understand why I believe he will be bigger than ever and the danger that that poses to Tucker. If you choose the latter approach, grab an antacid first.

I admire Professor Gerdes’ approach overall.

Anna in Ukraine

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Konstantin, a Russian in exile

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Meanwhile Daniil and Artyom in Russia — vox pop

What do you think these people would say? If you were in their shoes living where they live what would you allow to go on such a public record?

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Roman the Russian now in Serbia

This I offer as background. Watch on YouTube.

More to come, particularly what I would call the more human posts from the Russian and Ukrainian vlogs, not necessarily related to the dam outrage. I am by the way opposed to any demonisation of all Russians, to cancelling Russian culture, and so on. “Only connect!”

Few comments on current events can match this one

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