Sharing these because they (temporarily) vanished from my Facebook feed and should be seen!

Question is: Is this a result of cyber warfare in the current situation, or just a stuff-up on Facebook? Though they now seem to have reappeared, that question is still in play. I now really do think it was a cyber war incident as it was only (dissident/independent) vlogs from or relating to Russia which vanished!

Here is what I said on FB in the past day or two:

Something very strange is happening with FB. Recent shares I have posted here of YouTubes such as Roman the Russian in the Caucasus Mountains, Daniil’s latest vox pop, and London philosopher Vlad Vexler on Putin and Tsar Alexander III seem to have vanished. Also when I experiment at reposting, for example, Roman’s latest this is what happens. Yet when I decided to send it to Twitter, no problem.

NEXT DAY — This error in the YouTube sharer to FB occurs randomly, not just on Russia-related vids, but the Russia-related videos are still missing. I plan to repost one here to see if it lasts, and all three recent vlogs I will share in my blog tomorrow. People need to see them! You will gather I am suspecting cyber warfare is behind this — and those shares are victims of it.

GOOD NEWS — Since the first draft of this post at 8 am 26th May I searched my Facebook profile feed (10 am) and the Russian vlog posts seem to be returning! 🙂

Vlad Vexler is a Russian-born Oxford-educated political philosopher and musicologist living in London. He is a very careful analyst, well worth attending to.

Among the disappeared on my Facebook feed is 24-year-old Roman the Russian, currently in Georgia, whose work I have shared here before.

Roman’s latest vlog — 52,596 views since May 25, 2022 — is a journey to the heart of the Caucasus Mountains. It is a great post!

Then we have this one: Another courageous young Russian vlogger and other uplifting finds recently.

In his latest — also among the FB disappeared — he asks 100 Russians on the streets of Moscow how they feel after three months of the war that cannot be named in Russia.

A rare personal appearance on YouTube by Daniil.

My next Russian vlog is Niki in St Petersburg — also among the disappeared on my FB feed.

273,541 views in three days on this most recent one:

On Niki’s recommendation I subscribed to a great maker of human interest documentaries showing the other Russia:

Finally, back to Roman:

Two weeks ago.

I will be monitoring what happens on Facebook in this arena! Around one hour after my first draft here — yesterday 8.30 am — the vlog posts seem to have been restored.